Anger Management Classes Sydney

Treat Anger Management in Sydney with Counselling& Therapy

Anger is a completely normal, spontaneous reaction to any number of stressful life events or internal emotional struggles. People with anger management problems however, can feel overwhelmed by anger to a point where they behave in a way they later regret.

These people often feel at the mercy of their anger once it is triggered and do not know how to control it. It is not uncommon for people to report “going from 0 to 100” before they were able to control themselves.

How Counseling and Therapy Sydney treat Anger Management

At Counselling and Therapy Associates we hold classes in Sydney that treat anger management in two phases.

The first phase of treatment is focused on stopping the destructive expression of anger. Through learning to identify when you are going through a predictable cycle of rage and implementing the various self-care tools, you can eradicate the destructive manifestations of your anger.

The second phase of treatment involves identifying the various sources of your anger. Being exposed to angry, abusive or unpredictable environments can predispose someone to storing anger up inside their bodies like energy. By dealing with the causes of anger, you drain this stored energy out of your body, leaving more room inside yourself to deal with everyday stress.

The anger management classes in Sydney offered by Counselling & Therapy Associates provide a comprehensive way for you to bring the destructive nature of your anger under control.

To book a session with one of our qualified therapists, simply Click Here or call one of our therapists directly on 0422-467-705.