Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are a cluster of symptoms based around obsessions (intrusive thoughts and fears that cause anxiety) and compulsions (rituals that are carried out in an attempt to alleviate the anxiety of the obsessions).

Common obsessions include:

  • Fear of forgetting to perform important tasks – e.g. turning off appliances or locking doors
  • Fear of being contaminated by things that are unclean – e.g. dirty cutlery, food, keys, door handles and bathrooms
  • Fear of not being able to do things in an exact or orderly way
  • Fear of becoming sick, having an accident or dying
  • Intrusive thoughts about violence, accidents or sex.
  • Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day

Common compulsions include:

  • Concerns about personal hygiene, resulting in constant washing of hands or clothes, showering or brushing of teeth
  • Constantly cleaning, tidying or rearranging in a particular way things at home, at work or in the car
  • Constantly checking that doors and windows are locked and appliances are turned off
  • Continually seeking reassurance by repeatedly asking questions of family and friends
  • Hoarding items such as newspapers, books, food or clothes.

In the short term, giving in to these compulsions can make people with OCD feel less anxious. However, the anxiety returns and with it comes the need to carry out the ritual again … and this cycle continues. OCD affects 2 to 3 per cent of people in Australia at some time in their lives.

At Counselling & Therapy Associates we offer a range of treatments for OCD. To book a session with one of our therapists, simply Click Here.